Tap Add to add a gift card to the Starbucks app. Enter the gift card information in the app. On this screen you can choose to transfer the balance to your primary card, make this a primary card or tap on done to finish. You can also see these options when you choose Manage on the main screen of the Starbucks Tap to add a gift card to the Starbucks app. Open the Starbucks app. If you are not already on it, tap on the Cards section at the bottom of the screen. From here you need to tap on Add card. This is how you can add a Starbucks Gift card to the app on iPhone or Android, and how to transfer the balance to your main card.Check Starbucks Gift Card De… Next, find the Starbucks Card Number and Security Code on the back of the physical gift cards you have and enter them here. When done, tap Add Card at the bottom. Now that you have all of your gift cards added to your account, tap the Scan button on the bottom menu. Here you can scroll through and see all of the cards on your account. Now, Amazon can make the following extraordinary offer to Robert B. Parker. Write the book. We ll edit it and typeset it and ship it directly to the 333,000 people who have preordered it. We ll deduct our costs and still have $1 million left over to pay you. Finally, consider DARPA. Without DARPA, computer science and all we gain from it would be at a much more primitive state. AI would lag far behind if it existed at all. But DARPA is a defense agency. Will DARPA be prepared for just how complex and inscrutable AGI will be? Will they anticipate that AGI will have its own drives, beyond the goals with which it is created? Will DARPA s grantees weaponize advanced AI before they ve created an ethics policy regarding its use? http whatis.techtarget.com In his essay A Brief History of the Stikine, Ammons agrees This is not a normal river run, not even by the standards of highly experienced class V kayakers. The rapids are dominated by compressional turbulence, incredibly large holes, closed out features, and monstrous slabs of water that you stick to like fly paper as you try to make your moves. It s an ominous and spectacular canyon, over 1,000 feet deep and in some places so narrow that a helicopter can barely slip through. You are exposed to rockfall while scouting and even in your boat. It isn t the Zambezi, there is no warmth in the glacial water or the typically blustery fall weather. The flow is between 8,000 and 20,000 cfs at low water and levels can change as much as ten feet in a day. Many sections are from 60 to over 120 feet per mile, and as any big water paddler knows, when you combine steep and narrow with lots of water, you re talking the real shit. Attempts are made at low water in the early fall, and there s the very real possibility of a freeze or snow, which has happened to two different teams. For 70 percent of the canyon, it is very difficult or utterly impossible to climb out, with vertical walls on both sides rising straight out of the river. If you do have to bail and climb out, as has happened to eight teams, it is easy to get lost up on the plateau and entirely possible to get killed by the wildlife. This isn t California. It s the goddamned Canadian wilderness. Every day, people sacrifice their time for tiny nuggets of wealth, where time is the liability and not the asset. Anything that steals time and doesn t have the power to free time is a liability.