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If you re recognized as sharing useful or entertaining content, people will know your brand and your logo. When it comes time to buy, your business will come to mind because you already have an online presence. Establish expertise. Content can be educational. You can use your content to share product information, details, and usage tips, or you can use your content to establish expertise for your personal or professional brand. If you share useful and important information, your community will see you as somewhat of an expert. Improve search engine rankings. Plenty of good-quality content can help your business land on the first or second page of the top search engines. Build trust. Your content enables you to be transparent with customers and community. When you re honest about what you do and keep an open line of communication, people have trust in the brand. Trust equals sales. Inspire customer loyalty. Content that informs and rewards customers can also inspire customer loyalty. Your customers will not only make return visits to your content channels but also share your content with others. Generate subscriptions and registrations. Content can lead to newsletter sign-ups or website registrations. For example, you can direct traffic to a specific page or offer premium content such as an e-book in exchange for a sign-up or registration. We describe how content can help drive sales and grow your mailing list in the Collecting leads with your content section, later in this chapter. Engage customers. Content allows your customers to chat with you. Whether it s friendly banter on Twitter or a more opinionated discussion on your blog, they ll appreciate having a voice. Build links to your content. A content-marketing strategy is a link-building strategy. As long as you re providing valuable content to your consumers, other businesses and professionals will link to your content so that they can share it with their own communities. All those backlinks are good search engine optimization SEO . Generate leads or new opportunities. Smart content leads to smart opportunities. For example, if you regularly blog on important topics in your industry, those blog discussions can land you new clients or speaking engagements. Storyteller Law, 120 123 Shopify Suze preaches mutual funds, dollar-cost averaging, 401 k s. We can absorb Suze in many media radio, TV, and in any of her half-dozen books. Her grille is everywhere. She s the wretched Slowlane poster child, a high-volume producer of Slowlane junkets spewed to millions. So what s the problem? Ask yourself this Is Suze rich because she followed her own advice like municipal bonds, dollar cost-averaging and 401 k s? The probable hypocrisy-the Paradox of Practice-is that Suze s method of creating wealth doesn t appear to be the road she travels, nor teaches. Is Suze Fastlane rich because she leverages the Fastlane roadmap while she pitches you the Slowlane? Is she worth millions because she followed her own advice? Or because she sold millions of books? Is her wealth equation different from the one she teaches? Things that make you go hmmm Improvement in performance metrics doesn t necessarily produce better business results. The only two metrics that count toward ROI are whether your techniques reduce costs or improve revenue.